(infographic created by Somer Wolfs on Canva)

Happy Valentine’s Day Mouse Read Along!

Love, Splat Read Aloud!

Llama llama I Love You Read Aloud

Mr. Goat’s Valentine Read Aloud

Cross Curricular Connections:

English Language Arts and Art: Guide students in a Love Splat art project. When that is done have them write a few sentences about how they feel loved.

Math: 10 frame counting with conversation hearts, fact families, friendly numbers

Social Studies: Valentine’s Day around the world. How do other countries celebrate Valentine’s Day? How do Indigenous people show their family and friends that they care? How did this holiday and traditions that go along with it begin?

PE: play the ‘Do you love_____or ______?’ game (teacher and students stand in the middle of the gym and the teacher asks different questions. For example, “do you love cats or dogs?” whoever loves dogs runs to the left wall, whoever loves cats runs to the right wall.

Science: Research the heart and how it functions. What does it do in our body?

There are so many ideas for cross curricular connections using a Valentine’s theme! This is just a sample of what I could use in my future classroom!